Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Working on it!

I've started reading In Praise of Folly, and by that, I mean I've downloaded it because it's so old it wasn't at the library and it's not copyright protected here in the States.
Here's the first sentence:

'HOW slightly soever I am esteemed in the common vogue of the world, (for
I well know how disingenuously Folly is decried, even by those who are
themselves the greatest fools,) yet it is from my influence alone that
the whole universe receives her ferment of mirth and jollity: of
which this may be urged as a convincing argument, in that as soon as I
appeared to speak before this numerous assembly all their countenances
were gilded oyer with a lively sparkling pleasantness: you soon welcomed
me with so encouraging a look, you spurred me on with so cheerful a hum,
that truly in all appearance, you seem now flushed with a good dose of
reviving nectar, when as just before you sate drowsy and melancholy, as
if you were lately come out of some hermit's cell.'

Ernest Hemingway only wishes he had sentences this long.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, by the way, the spaces just appeared there.
    No clue how.
