Sunday, February 14, 2010


So I've started reading Salman Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea of Stories.
I like it so far. It has a sentence that will never be used in proper context. It goes, 'So it was that Haroun Khalifa the storyteller's son soared into the night sky on the back of Butt the Hoopoe with Iff the Water Genie as his guide.'
Oh, and I have three followers now! Too bad they're all old ladies.
Kidding. Now I have the feeling I'm not getting anything for my birthday. Or Christmas. Or ever again.


  1. Hello. Yes, I'm another old lady following your blog. My husband (Dave) went to college with your dad and yes, I am now friends with your mom. But before you discount my following of your blog, I would like to also explain that I was an English major in college and have read many many books. I enjoyed your review of your first book and may just end up reading it.

    My suggestion for you to read: Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman. I read it once for a book club and found it to be interesting. It's not an extremely long book, either. It's part physics, part novel. I can't really explain it, but reviews on Amazon may help you understand more until you pick it up and read for yourself.

    So that's my suggestion.

  2. Physics novel, you say?
    I'll look into it.
