Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Introductions

My name is Qwerky, and I'll be attempting to invade the internets with literacy, and by that, I mean, attempting to expand my horizons by writing about books.
I'll write about any book you want, but give me a break because I have to finish it first. However, (and this is important), I will only write about standalone books. No, 'Generic Teenager and the Blabbity Blah no. 6'.
No pornography. I'm grateful that you'd suggest it, but I won't review it.
No complaining that I didn't like the book. If I read, oh, let's say, Sparkling Teenage Vampires number 8 and don't like it, and you complain, I won;t be accepting recommendations from you for a while.
No manga/comic books. Same principle as porn. I'm glad you'd recommend it, but i won't review it.
No spin-offs of popular series. This includes, for example, LOST: The Novelization, or books about Spider-Man, Star Wars, or anything beginning with an 'S', 'T', or 'M'. I don't want to read your god damn fan fiction.
Despite this, I may accept an original, unpublished piece of fiction, if only to point out the grammatical mistakes the author has made.
Until I get a request to review a book, I'll be reviewing Classical Literature, like In Praise of Folly.

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